Garrett Allen


A thesis
submitted in partial ful llment
of the requirements for the degree of
Master of Science in Computer Science
Boise State University

December 2021


c 2021
Garrett Allen




of the thesis submitted by

Garrett Allen

Thesis Title: Training Wheels for Web Search: Multi-Perspective Learning to Rank to Support Childrens Information Seeking in the Classroom

Date of Final Oral Examination:   18 December 2021

The following individuals read and discussed the thesis submitted by student Garrett Allen, and they evaluated the presentation and response to questions during the final oral examination. They found that the student passed the final oral examination.

Maria Soledad Pera, Ph.D.           Chair, Supervisory Committee
Jerry Alan Fails, Ph.D.                 Member, Supervisory Committee
Casey Kennington, Ph.D.             Member, Supervisory Committee
Katherine Landau Wright, Ph.D.    Member, Supervisory Committee

The nal reading approval of the thesis was granted by Maria Soledad Pera, Ph.D., Chair of the Supervisory Committee. The thesis was approved by the Graduate College.


Throughout the writing of this thesis I have received a great deal of support and assistance.

First, I would like to thank my advisor, Dr. Sole Pera, whose incredible patience, knowledge, and belief in me consistently pushed me to the best of my abilities. Your impact on this work cannot be overstated, thank you.

I would also like to acknowledge Ashlee Milton, whose willingness to collaborate, discuss, and work through di cult hurdles ensured that this thesis came to a successful close. I greatly appreciate the sacri ce of your time towards my goals. Finally, I would like to thank my parents, whose steadfast belief in me gave me the strength to not waver in my path. I love, and am forever grateful for, both of you.


Bicycle design has not changed for a long time, as they are well-crafted for those that possess the skills to ride, i.e., adults. Those learning to ride, however, often need additional support in the form of training wheels. Searching for information on the Web is much like riding a bicycle, where modern search engines (the bicycle) are optimized for general use and adult users, but lack the functionality to support non-traditional audiences and environments. In this thesis, we introduce a set of training wheels in the form of a learning to rank model as augmentation for standard search engines to support classroom search activities for children (ages 611).

This new model extends the known listwise learning to rank framework through the balancing of risk and reward. Doing so enables the model to prioritize Web resources of high educational alignment, appropriateness, and adequate readability by analyzing the URLs, snippets, and page titles of Web resources retrieved by a given mainstream search engine. Experiments including an ablation study and comparisons with existing baselines showcase the correctness of the proposed model. Outcomes of this work demonstrate the value of considering multiple perspectives inherent to the classroom setting, e.g., educational alignment, readability, and objection ability, when applied to the design of algorithms that can better support childrens information discovery.


LIST OF TABLES…………………………………….
LIST OF FIGURES……………………………………
1 Introduction……………………………………….
2 Related Work ……………………………………..

2.1 Learning to Rank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.2 Ranking Web Resources for Children. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3 Methodology ………………………………………

3.1 Perspectives:From Theory to Practice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.1.1 Readability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.1.2 Educational Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.1.3 Objectionable Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3.2 REdO Rank: From Theory to Practice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3.2.1 Ada Rank. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.2.2 Multi-Perspective Optimization with Cost Sensitivity . . . . . . . .

4 Experimental Results ………………………………..

4.1 Finding a Read ability Formula Fitting Web Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4.2 Detecting Educational Web Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.2.1 Experimental Set-up. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.2.2 Results and Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.3 Identifying Objectionable Resources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.3.1 Experimental Set-up. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.3.2 Results and Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.4 Re-ranking Web Resources with REdO Rank. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.4.1 Experimental Set-up. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.4.2 Results and Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5 Conclusion………………………………………..

A Data for Experiments………………………………..



4.1 Performance analysis of BiGBERT (ablation study along with experiments related to comparisons with counterparts). The su xes-U and-S indicate model applied to URL and snippet only, resp.;-E indicates model augmented with educational data. * and signi cant w.r.t. BiGBERT and non-educational counterpart, resp. Signi cance determined with McNemars test, p<0.05. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4.2 Evaluation of objectionable classi cation models using ObjSet. * indicates signi cance w.r.t. Judgebad determined by McNemars test with Bonferroni Correction, p<0.05.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4.3 Performance of REdORank and ablation variations using RankSet. The su xes-R,-E,-O indicate Readability only, Educational only, and Objectionable only, respectively.-M indicates the use of the mixer for educational alignment and readability, and-MER indicates the use
of the mixer with-E and-R. * indicates signi cance w.r.t. REdO Rank and bold indicates best performing for each metric. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4.4 Performance of REdORank and baselines using RankSet. * indicates signi cance w.r.t.REdORank and bold indicates best performing for each metric. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


2.1 Framework for problem de nition of learning to rank [52].. . . . . . . . . . .

3.1 The REdORank framework. REdORank re-ranks Web resources retrieved from a mainstream SE in response to a childs query formulated in a classroom setting by balancing reward with risk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3.2 BiGBERT architecture (RU and RS denote the URL and snippet of a given resource R, resp.). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4.1 ERdistribution across di erent grades for traditional readability formulas.

4.2 Distribution of ER for Spache-inspired formulas across grades. . . . . . . .

4.3 NDCG@10 for di erent re-ranking models using RankSet. . . . . . . . . .



AoA  –   Age of Acquisition
BiGRU – Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Unit
CCSS  –  Common Core State Standards
CNN   –  Convolutional Neural Network
CS   -DCG Cost Sensitive Discounted Cumulative Gain
DCG  – Discounted Cumulative Gain
ER   – Error Rate
FNR  – False Negative Rate
FPR  – False Positive Rate
GCS  – Google Custom Search
ICS  – Idaho Content Standards
IDLA  -Idaho Digital Learning Alliance
IR   – Information Retrieval
LTR   – Learning to Rank
MLM  -Masked Language Model
MP-LTR  -Multi-perspective Learning to Rank
MRR    -Mean Reciprocal Rank

NDCG  – Normalize Discounted Cumulative Gain
NGSS  – Next Generation Science Standards
ODP   -OpenDirectory Project
RAZ   -Reading A-Z
SE   -Search Engine
SERP  -Search Engine Result Pages
URL   -Uniform Resource Locator



Children in elementary classrooms (Kindergarten4th grade) often use search engines (SE) to nd Web resources needed to complete their school assignments [13, 105]. Among SE built speci cally for childrens use in a classroom environment, we find current solutions require regular maintenance, such as EdSearch1 and Kidtopia2. Ed Search relies on manual curation of resources (e.g., text or media) to identify educational ones. Kidtopia instead o ers resources from a selection of white-listed sites using Googles Custom Search (GCS) platform, which utilizes the SafeSearch feature to lter out pornographic resources. The white-listing via manual curation restricts the sites to be both age-appropriate and educational, but as the Web grows at a rapid rate, maintaining an up-to-date white-list becomes burdensome. Moreover, childrens SE based on GCS are known to return less relevant results nearly 30% of the time, trading relevance for safer results [42]. In addition to these ine cacies, specialized SE must also overcome the barrier of adoption: children prefer to use the popular mainstream options for SE, such as Google or Bing [32]. Main stream SE are designed and optimized for adults, and therefore can overlook unique factors that impact children using them. For instance, children face many barriers related to query formulation, some of which researchers have attempted

to o er aid for [16, 82, 123]. In addition to well-studied barriers related to query formulation , children also struggle to recognize what and how much information is available online, seldom looking past the rst six resources presented on a search engine result page (SERP) [43]. Children also have trouble understanding the content of retrieved resources due to the complexity of their texts, which leads to uncertainty with relevant resource selection [7]. When turning to mainstream SE, children can also be inadvertently exposed to resources that are inappropriate for their consumption.

This is an unfortunate side e ect of functionality, like Googles Safe Search, o ered by mainstream SE primarily ltering pornography [131] and not accounting for other potentially harmful content, e.g., violence. Safe search functionality also su ers from over- ltering by preventing resources from being returned if they contain terms that might be mistaken as inappropriate [12].

We aim to advance knowledge in the area of Information Retrieval (IR) for children, and more speci cally better enable childrens access to online information via SE. As they grow, children require di erent levels of support from the SE they interact with. As a starting point in our exploration, we focus on tailoring SERP for speci c audiences and contexts. To de ne the scope for our work, we turn to the framework from [70] that allows for the comprehensive design and assessment of search systems for children through four pillars. De ned for our work, these pillars are: children aged 6 11 in grades Kindergarten4 (K4) as the user group, classrooms as the environment, information discovery as the task, and re-ranking of resources to t audience and context as the strategy. Guided by the pillars, we introduce REdORank, a novel re-ranking framework based on multi-perspective learning to rank (LTR) meant to support children s use of their preferred SE to complete classroom-related tasks. REdORank builds on the demonstrated retrieval e ectiveness of mainstream SE, as well as their ability to respond to any given query due to their large supply of indexed pages [75]. Given a childs search query, REdORank examines and re-ranks resources retrieved by mainstream SE in a manner that those which align with educational standards and are readable by children are ranked higher, whilst those that contain material inappropriate for viewing by children in classrooms are pushed lower in the result list.

For REdORank to learn how to prioritize resources to best suit our user group and environment, it examines three distinct perspectives: readability, i.e., the overall effect of language usage and composition on readers ability to easily and quickly comprehend the document [85], educational alignment, and objection ability. Educationally aligned resources are de ned as those that align with the guidelines presented in the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). These guidelines provide a set of learning outcomes for each grade K12 that students are expected to achieve.

For example, a grade 1 learning outcome from the CCSS states Identify the main topic and retell key details of a text [63]. On the other hand, objectionable resources are resources that contain content beyond pornography that is inappropriate for children in a classroom. Both educational alignment and readability act as reward perspectives, i.e., signals that should be optimized to increase the rank of a resource, whereas objectionability serves as a risk perspective. A ranking strategy known as multi-perspective LTR is employed where a ranking model learns a ranking function that prioritizes resources for more than one perspective. By prioritizing resources that align with the readability levels of our user group, REdORank bene ts our target audience as children that read over their reading level experience lower reading comprehension [8].

Estimating grade levels of online resources is not a simple matter, given the broad range of formulas available for readability or grade level estimation. In addition, there exists no consensus on which of the available formulas should be used for online resources. Consequently, we examine formulas and leverage in REdORank the one most e ective for predicting the readability levels of resources targeting the reading abilities of stereotypical 611 year olds.

Responding to our environment, REdORank considers the educational alignment of resources and aims to promote those with educational value as previous research has shown that ranking educational resources higher in search results has the potential to increase learning e ciency [117]. REdORank determines educational alignment through analyzing the URL and snippet of resources using text representation strategies such as domain-speci c embeddings and BERT [11, 33].

As previously stated, not everything on the Web is appropriate for children, which brings us to the objectionability perspective. Preventing the display of inappropriate results while also avoiding over- ltering results that may appear as objectionable but are not, e.g., an article on breast cancer [42], requires a solution that goes beyond safe search. Therefore, we go beyond pornography and consider other sources of objection ability, such as violence, drugs, or guns. REdORank utilizes an approach that applies a cost to a resources ranking based on a determined likelihood that a resource is objectionable.

By learning to simultaneously maximize resources with educational alignment and readability, while minimizing those with objection ability, REdORank is well suited to support childrens search activities in the classroom. We posit that a LTR strategy can be augmented to simultaneously consider multiple traits of online resources in order to yield a SERP that prioritize educationally valuable and comprehensible resources while minimizing those that are objectionable. To guide the work pertaining to these topics, this thesis addresses the following research questions:
1. Which readability formula simultaneously suits resource type, context needs, and user group outlined for our task?

2. Dosnippets along with URLs help identify educational resources? Does domain specific knowledge a ect identi cation of educational resources?

3. Can topic-speci c lexicons empower the identi cation of objectionable Web resources?

4. Does the adaptation of an LTR model to account for multiple perspectives lead to the prioritization of resources that are relevant to both children and the classroom setting?

The primary contribution of this work is an LTR framework optimized on multiple perspectives  simultaneously for childrens search, which to the best of our knowledge is the first such multi-perspective LTR framework. Further contributions include a model to determine educational alignment of online resources, the identi cation of a readability formula that is e ective for calculating the reading level of online resources, and a model that identi es objectionable resources beyond the limited scope of safe search. Our work can help facilitate how children access educational content online and thus supports classroom instruction. In fact, REdORank can be used in conjunction with any SE, and when so combined can provide support for search as learning among K4th grade students [59, 120, 129]. The educational alignment model has the potential to support teachers identifying online resources to leverage in the classroom [39]. Finally, identifying a formula that accurately estimates the reading level of online resources could inform future design of recommender systems or other online systems tailored to young readers [74].

The rest of this manuscript is organized as follows. In Chapter 2, we o er back ground information pertaining to LTR for Web search and discuss ranking strategies that aim to support childrens use of SE. Thereafter, in Chapter 3, we detail the design of REdORank; this is followed by the in-depth empirical analysis presented in Chapter 4, which we conducted to verify the performance of our re-ranking framework and to assess the need to include all perspectives in the ranking. Lastly, in Chapter
5, we present some concluding remarks, limitations, and future research directions inspired by the work presented in this thesis.



In this chapter, we provide background information on LTR and discuss existing ranking strategies that tailor the (retrieval and) ranking of resources for children.

2.1 Learning to Rank

LTR is a machine learning strategy that, when applied to Information Retrieval, creates a task in which the goal is to automatically determine a ranking model using training data, such that the model constructed can sort new resources using a learned ranking function according to resources degrees of relevance, preference, or importance [79]. LTR can be expressed in terms of queries, labels, and resources. Given a set of m queries Q = q1,… qm ,thereexists a set of k resources Rm = rm1,…. rmk for query in qm. Similarly, there exists a set of labels ym = ym1,….. ymk for each resource Rm. Let f(qmrmk) be a ranking function that calculates a ranking score for a query-document pair, and let (f;qmrmk ymk) be a loss function for the prediction of the function f over the query-document pair (qmrmk). The LTR problem can then be defined as seeking to nd the optimal ranking function fopt (in Equation 2.1) through the minimization of the loss function over a labelled training set [76, 79, 52]. We depict the framework for this problem de nition in Figure 2.1.

Figure 2.1: Framework for problem de nition of learning to rank [52].
Figure 2.1: Framework for problem definition of learning to rank [52].


Over time, advancements in LTR models have expanded on the loss function to accept more than one resource as input. As a result, the following categorizations for LTR models have arisen: pointwise, pairwise, or listwise [76], based on whether a single resource, a pair of resources, or a list of resources, respectively, are operated over during optimization of the loss function.

Regardless of the category they belong to, LTR models have been successfully applied to various areas of IR, such as question answering [34], document retrieval [79], recommendation [77, 96, 128], and, most prominently, Web search [81, 95]. When used for Web search, models using listwise loss functions have been shown to be more effective in terms of ranking accuracy and degree of certainty of ranking accuracy in relation to the point wise and pairwise counterparts [20, 118]. There exists a number of well-known list wise-based models, including AdaRank [127], ListNet [20], ListMLE [125], online-listMLE [80], SetRank [97], and U-Rank [30]. Each of these models present a step towards advancing knowledge pertaining to LTR, yet all optimize their respective ranking functions on a single relevance measure.

In practice, the degree of relevance of a search result is not always established based on a single trait. For instance, a user searching for a seafood restaurant for dinner would consider location, price, and reputation as factors informing relevance. Students searching for information on John Adams for a class assignment would instead determine resource relevance by considering factors such as whether a resource uses language they can understand, whether the John Adams being discussed is the correct individual, and whether the resource discusses the aspect of John Adams for which they are seeking information, i.e., information on his term as President vs. information on his role during the American Revolution. To better align with such real world scenarios, multi-objective LTR strategies that optimize loss functions for multiple measures of relevance have been brought forth [18, 116, 122].

Carmel et al. [21] use label aggregation to reduce a multi-objective problem to a single objective one, followed by applying LambdaMART [19] to optimize for the aggregated labels. Momma et al. [90] also make use of LambdaMART, combining Augmented Lagrangian, a process of introducing an explicit Lagrange multiplier into the loss function being optimized [93], to create a model that handles constrained optimization by iteratively solving unconstrained problems. While these strategies expand LTR from single objective to multi-objective, both still opt for a pairwise approach.

When accounting for multiple objectives, listwise approaches like AdaRank are rarely considered. Given AdaRanks applicability for Web tasks [20, 118], this is the LTR variation we incorporate as part of REdORank s design.

2.2 Ranking Web Resources for Children

When seeking for information using mainstream SE, children tend to (i) explore SERP produced in response to their queries using a sequential process from top to bottom, and (ii) click higher-ranked results [35, 43, 50, 53]. As such, it is imperative for these mainstream SE to prioritize retrieved resources relevant to the information needs of children. Existing attempts to address this requirement include the work by Miltsakaki [88], who sorts resources with respect to a user-de ned reading level (for middle and high school students) and the resources readability as calculated using the Coleman-Liau Index [25] together with the LIX and RIX formulas [9]. Similarly, Collins-Thompson et al. [26] re-rank results matching user reading levels inferred from their search history.

Beyond readability, Gyllstrom and Moens [54] introduce AgeRank, a modified version of Page Rank that leverages websites for younger audiences, following the premise that sites designed for children are more likely to link to other child-friendly sites. Syed and Collins-Thompson [117] present a search algorithm that re-ranks results for learning utility through an analysis of keyword density, assuming that a user exposed to more keywords in fewer resources will learn information on a particular subject more successfully. The aforementioned strategies prioritize resources using only a single perspective, yet when serving a particular user group in a specific context, considering only one perspective restricts the results that can be retrieved. We hypothesize that by incorporating more perspectives, such as educational alignment and readability, a more varied set of results can be provided that better serve the user group and context.

Research pertaining to education-based ranking is rich, resulting in strategies

based on topic modelling, term clustering, quality indicators, and collaborative l tering [101, 109, 111, 100]. Notable examples include the work by Marani [83], i.e., Web Edu Rank, who de nes a teaching context (a representation of the requirements and experiences of an instructor), which is used to rank learning objects to support instructors. Estivill-Castro and Marani [41] also rank resources for instructors by analyzing the suitability of a resource for teaching a concept. Acuna-Soto et al. [2] consider students as part of their audience in their work to rank math videos using a multi-criteria decision making framework. Unfortunately, as with readability and child-friendliness, some of these works do not target children as the intended user group, and the majority focus on a single perspective.

Focusing on children in an educational context, Usta et al. [121] train an LTR model for a query-dependent ranking strategy aimed at prioritizing educational re sources for students in the 4th 8th grades. Through feature engineering, the authors extract disjoint sets of features from the query logs of a Turkish educational platform called Vitamin [120]: (i) query-document text similarity, (ii) query speci c, (iii) document speci c, (iv) session based, and (v) query document click based. Unique to this approach is that within the query speci c and document speci c groups are domain-speci c features such as the course, grade, and document type, e.g., lecture, video, or text. This approach di ers from ours in that the features used in training a ranker uses data originating from a domain-speci c SE that includes course and grade information of the resources whereas we design a re-ranker that is SE agnostic, allowing our re-ranker to be coupled with any generic SE. Additionally, the features used by Usta et al. [121] include click data originating from children, which is not readily or publicly available for our user group.
Thestrategy most closely related to REdORank is Korsce [87]. This multi-perspective

strategy examines appropriateness, curriculum alignment, objectivity, and reading comprehensibility of resources to identify those that best match 3rd 5th grade children searching in the classroom. Korsce treats resources as inappropriate if they refer to pornography and hate-speech, but fails to account for other potentially objectionable topics like alcohol or drugs. For curriculum alignment, the authors adopt a topic modelling approach with Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) as a way to estimate the degree in which a resource is related to curriculum. This approach follows a word-level and semantic space exploration of resources, but does not take into account the contextual information that can be garnered from considering resource text in its entirety.

When considering reading comprehension, Milton et al. [87] introduce a formula that estimates a score based on the Flesch-Kincaid readability formula and a cosine curve that penalizes resources whose readability level is beyond the expected grade level of a user. There are two major gaps in this approach: (i) the selection of the Flesch-Kincaid formula is based on popular use rather than empirical exploration, which we conduct in our work, and (ii) the reading comprehension score requires the knowledge of an expected grade for the user, which we cannot assume to know for our user group as we are focusing on multiple different grades. Furthermore, Korsce ranks resources according to a static set of optimal weights [122]. These weights are manually chosen as the result of an empirical exploration of near-optimal rankers, where the optimal ranker is determined qualitatively. The selected ranker generates scores on a resource by resource basis (akin to pointwise LTR methods), leading to relative rankings based on the calculated scores. Alternatively, we utilize a listwise approach, allowing for absolute relevance comparisons between the resources as all resources are considered at once instead of independently.



In this chapter, we describe REdORank, a multi-perspective learning to rank (MP LTR)frame work that re-ranks resources through examining in tandem the Readability, Educational alignment, and Objectionability of each resource R retrieved by a main stream SE in response to a childs query inquiring on classroom-related concepts. Taking advantage of the retrieval power of mainstream SE and directly informed by the aforementioned perspectives, REdORank identi es and prioritizes resources intended for K4 classrooms and students. As shown in Figure 3.1, REdORank consists of three modules: the reward module, the risk module, and a balance module. Each module serves a speci c purpose in the overall framework.

Figure 3.1: The REdORank framework. REdORank re-ranks Web resources retrieved from a mainstream SE in response to a childs query formulated in a classroom setting by balancing reward with risk.
Figure 3.1: The REdORank framework. REdORank re-ranks Web resources retrieved from a mainstream SE in response to a childs query formulated in a classroom setting by balancing reward with risk.

The reward module determines the interaction between positive perspectives for resource analysis: readability and alignment with classroom curriculum. The risk module looks at the interaction of negative perspectives that identify resources as inappropriate for the user group. The balance module trades-o outputs of the risk module (a value that acts as cost and therefore decreases resource prioritization) and the reward module (a value meant to increase resource prioritization in the ranking) resulting in a final ranking score by which resources are reordered.

3.1 Perspectives: From Theory to Practice

REdORank re-ranks online Web resources by reassessing them according to three perspectives connected to childrens information seeking in the classroom. To properly re-rank resources, we must quantify each perspective. In the remainder of this section, we describe how we represent the educational alignment, readability, and objection ability perspectives.

3.1.1 Readability

Readability is an important factor in supporting childrens Web search as text com plexity and therefore comprehension inuences the degree to which a resource is relevant to a user [8, 107]. This makes it imperative to take into account the text complexity of retrieved resources when it comes to determining their position in a SERP. This is a nontrivial problem. There exists a plethora of formulas for text complexity estimation, from traditional ones based on shallow features, e.g., average words per sentence, to more complex ones based on deep learning [14, 36, 45, 89]. Even so, there is still a lack of consensus as to which formula to use for the automatic estimation of text complexity for Web texts.

As the overall performance of REdO Rank is directly impacted by the choice of readability formula, we evaluate several of them1 and juxtapose their aptitude for readability assessment through assigning of grade levels based on their applicability to our user group, to our resource type, and the ease of calculation. As a result, the best suited formula in our analysis is Spache-Allen, which improves upon the original Spache [113] formula by expanding the vocabulary used to determine easy words . The Spache formula relies on a vocabulary for easy words comprised of 1,064 words. This vocabulary, however, only contains terms deemed easy for children to comprehend, gathered in the 1970s from news and magazine articles for adults [36].

Instead, Spache-Allen accounts for terminology children are exposed to online by including 47,712 terms extracted from childrens websites; a list of terms originally compiled in [82]. Moreover, Spache-Allen takes into consideration terminology that children learn through instruction. For this, we turn to the 30,000 words in the Age of Acquisition (AoA) dataset [68]. In the end, Spache-Allen, shown formally as Equation 3.1, relies on a vocabulary to identify easy words that includes 65,669 unique terms.

Spache-Allen(T) = (0141 wT/sT)+(0086 * dif(T))+0839

where T is a text, and wT and sT are the number of words and sentences in T, respectively. The function dif(T) determines the percentage of di cult words in T, where a word is deemed difficult if it does not appear in the augmented version of easy words vocabulary.2
1 We provide details of the empirical exploration and vocabulary expansion with respect to that of the original Spache formula [113] in Section 4.1.

REdO Rank determines the readability score Sread of R (Equation 3.2) based on the estimation of readability determined using Spache-Allen, as applied to the corresponding snippet RS.

Sread(R) = Spache-Allen(RS)     (3.2)

3.1.2 Educational Resources

Resource prioritization by readability can help support childrens Web search. Yet, on its own, this perspective can overlook the environment that is the focus of our study, i.e., not all resources aligned with the reading abilities of children are suitable for the classroom. Thus, in the design of REdORank we also consider the educational value of resources, which we determine through a Web classi cation process. Web resource classi cation is a well-explored area in Information Retrieval [56]. Recently, the eld has seen an inux of research related to domain-speci c classication, especially within the legal, nancial, and medical domains [40, 60, 132]. Classi cation in the domain of education, however, remains relatively unexplored. As a broad term, education applies to a variety of classi cation tasks. Prior work includes classifying educational resources based on the strength of the educative resource [as] a property evaluated cumulatively by the target audience of the resource (e.g., students or educational experts) using a Support Vector Machine (SVM) [57].

This model, however, relies heavily on manually-annotated data and is applicable only to computer science education. Xia [126] also uses an SVM to classify resources sup porting instruction, whereas EduBERT [24] detects college-level forum posts written by struggling students. In general, e orts in this area classify resources for unspecified age groups, adult students, limited subject areas, instructors, or institutional-level insights. There is a gap in the literature regarding recognizing educational Web resources for children ages 611 in grades K4.

Regardless of the domain, classi ers tend to rely on features inferred from HTML page content [38, 114]. Processing full Web pages requires high computational power, large data storage, and time to retrieve [104] as Web pages are often dynamic and contain pictures, videos, or scripts in addition to text [105]. To address some of these constraints, state-of-the-art approaches examine only URLs [49, 105]. Unfortunately, URLs are not always comprised of meaningful tokens (i.e., valid terms), which may cause misclassi cations. Consider the URL https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=pX3V9hoX1eM for a YouTube video by National Geographic For Kids related to animals. In this case, meaningful tokens include youtube and watch, neither of which indicates the child-friendliness of the corresponding resource. Mindful of the aforementioned limitations, we rely on domain knowledge obtained from Educational standards along with URL and descriptive text to inform the recognition of childrens educational Web resources. Educational standards, such as the United States CCSS and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGCS), provide learning outcomes for K4th grade students. In particular, we focus on educational resources that inform on subjects for grades K4th, such as language arts, science, and social studies, described in CCSS, NGCS, and the Idaho Content Standards (ICS).

As illustrated in Figure 3.2, BiGBERT, the Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Unit (BiGRU) with BERT model we introduce to recognize educational Web resources for children, has two main components: a URL and a snippet vectorizer. Given R, BiGBERT rst vectorizes its URL, combining the domain-speci c embeddings from Edu2Vec [11] with a BiGRU and a self attention layer. Shen et al. [112] show

 Figure 3.2: BiGBERT architecture (RU and RS denote the URL and snippet of a given resource R, resp.).
Figure 3.2: BiGBERT architecture (RU and RS denote the URL and snippet of a given resource R, resp.).

that using summaries instead of full page content results in comparable classi cation performance, thus we use snippets in place of full content. To vectorize R s snippet, BiG BERT ne tunes the transformer model BERT [33] using educational standards. Lastly, BiG BERT concatenates the snippet and URL vectors and applies a softmax function to determine the class of R.

URL Vectorizer. BiGBERT tokenizes R s URL (RU) into a sequence of terms T by splitting on non-alphanumeric symbols (e.g., periods, dashes and forward slashes) and using SymSpell [47] to perform word segmentation as URLs tend to compound words together (e.g., changing stackover ow to stack over ow). Each token ti T is mapped to its corresponding word embedding. If ti is not part of the embedding dictionary, we attribute this to a possible misspelling or spelling variation, and thus attempt a correction using a single edit distance operation (i.e., replacing, adding, or removing a character). If ti is still not in the dictionary, we discard it to ensure only meaningful tokens remain.

To learn a representation of RU, BiGBERT uses the Edu2Vec word embeddings dictionary [11] as it incorporates domain knowledge from NGCS, CCSS, and ICS. These standards serve as structured knowledge sources to identify terms, topics, and subjects for K-4 grades, enabling BiGBERT to emphasize K-4 curriculum concepts in RU that may be overlooked by general-purpose pre-trained embeddings. Rather than analyzing independent embeddings, we design BiGBERT to scrutinize context-sensitive indicators from T. Inspired by Rajalakshmi and Aravindan [103] and in response to URLs not following traditional language syntax, we examine groups of embeddings (i.e., trigrams) using a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) a fast, e ective, and compact method [65] to generate feature vectors from trigrams. The convolution results in a feature map Fmap=<F1,F2,…,Fx>, f=1 x Ff=relu(w xi:i+m 1+bu), where the recti ed linear function relu is applied to the dot product of a kernel w with a window of embeddings xi:i+m 1 in T of size m=3; bu is a bias term. To explore long distance dependencies of features that may appear far apart BiGBERT uses a BiGRU network, as it captures context information in a forwards and backwards direction. A self-attention layer then determines the importance of features identi ed by the CNN and BiGRU. This is followed by a atten and dense layer that yields a single feature vector representation of RU of size 128, denoted as BiGvec.

Snippet Encoding. As snippets are a few sentences long, unlike URLs which are at most a few words, we require a model that can scrutinize each snippet (RS) as a whole. Hence, we incorporate the state-of-the-art transformer model BERT [33] into BiG BERT s design. BERTs ability to process sequences up to a maximum size of 512 tokens enables BiGBERT to exploit the sequential, contextual information within RS in its entirety. Additionally, BERTs architecture consisting of 12 transformer blocks and self-attention heads ensures the learning of rich contextual information from each snippet. As such, we tokenize RS into a sequence of sentences, encode it to BERTs specifications, and use BERT to attain an aggregate feature vector representation of size 768, denoted as BERTvec.

On domain-dependent tasks like the one we address here, BERT benefits from fine

tuning [115]. Thus, we adjust the traditional BERT to our de nition of education by exploiting established educational standards. We perform ne-tuning as described in [115], training3 BERT embeddings as an educational text classi er by adding a linear classification layer which uses binary cross entropy as loss and the Adam optimizer with learning rate=1e 5.

Predicting Educational Alignment.

Toleverage evidence of educational alignment inferred from RU and RS, we concatenate BiGvec with BERTvec as BBvec. Using a fully connected layer on BBvec with a softmax activation function, BiGBERT4 produces a probability distribution y over each class, educational and not, such that y [01]. The softmax function ensures that the sum of the probabilities per class is one. Using BiGBERT, we define an educational alignment score Sedu for R (Equation 3.3). As one of two reward perspectives, REdORank utilizes this score in the determination of R s relevance gain.

Sedu(R) = BiGBERT(RSRU)    (3.3)

3.1.3 Objectionable Resources

The Web contains an ever-growing collection of resources for users of many ages, experience , and knowledge levels. It is therefore anticipated for some of these resources to be more attuned with some user groups than others. Given the user group and environment that are the focus of this work, it becomes imperative for REdORank 3For ne- tuning we use 2,655 text passages from NGCS, CCSS, and ICS along with 2,725 from the Brown corpus [17, 44].
4BiGBERT is trained using a batch size of 128, binary cross-entropy loss function, and RMSProp optimizer [119] with momentum=0.2 and learning rate=0.001.

to mitigate the risk of presenting resources towards the top of SERP that could be deemed inappropriate. This is why REdORank incorporates an objectionability perspective to its design.

Establishing what makes a Web resource objectionable for children in a classroom setting is not trivial. Specialized SE built on the GCS platform (e.g., Kiddle and KidRex) use the safe search feature to eradicate objectionable resources, but still display promoted resources at the top of SERP in the form of advertisements. These adverts can redirect children to di erent SERP without the safe search protection,
inadvertently exposing them to inappropriate material [42]. Safe search functionality
is not without fault as unsuitable resources can make it past its lters [37, 12]. For example, in response to the query dog facts , Google with SafeSearch enabled retrieves a brewery website5. At the same time, there are websites that may appear objectionable but are not, e.g., an article on breast cancer [42]. Preventing the display of such results while also avoiding over- ltering is a di cult problem requiring a solution that goes beyond safe search. Patel and Singh [98] augment GCS ltering capability by also considering resources containin g   hate speech or violence. Lee et al. [73] go even further, and lter content referring to abortion, alcohol, tobacco, illegal a airs, drugs, gambling, marijuana, pornography, violence, racism, and weapons. Unfortunately, their proposed lter
ing strategies rely on click-through data, which seldom exists for our user group. Milton et al. [87] introduce a click agnostic strategy to identify resources that are inappropriate for the classroom. The strategy leverages lexicons to account for the presence of sexually explicit and hate speech terms, in addition to misspelled terms, in the content, meta-tags, and anchor-tags of resources. This strategy, however,

treats as objectionable resources concerning pornography and hate speech, only two of the several topics that can be considered inappropriate for the user group and environment under study. Additionally, the full content of a resource is considered, which can be time consuming to process when deployed in a live scenario. Observant of the strengths and limitations of existing ltering strategies, we adopt a simple, yet e ective, technique for identifying resources deemed objectionable: Judgebad. Given R, we rst create a representation that captures its terminology from various categories. Treating the identi cation of R as objectionable as a binary classification task, we then employ a Random Forest model, which have been shown to maintain e ectiveness even when compared to recent neural solutions [28, 29].

Objectionable categories.

To account for the large variety of objectionable material present online, and inspired by prior strategies to detect objectionable re sources [87, 73], we treat as objectionable for children in the classroom resources that relate to any category in ObjCat: Abortion, Drugs, Hate Speech, Illegal Affairs, Gambling, Pornography, and Violence. Note that the Drugs category refers to resources over-arching drugs, but also alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana. Further, Violence focuses on violent content, as well as weapons; Hate Speech accounts for racism and hateful/o ensive content.

As previously stated, for determining the likelihood of resources being objection able, we adopt a technique that scrutinizes their terminology and therefore requires the existence of pre-de ned lists of objectionable terms. In the case of Pornography and Hate Speech categories, we use the pre-de ned lists used in [87], which are sourced from Googles archive6 and the Hate Speech Movements website7, respec

tively. Unfortunately, there are no curated term lists associated with the remaining categories in ObjCat. Thus, we generate them through a novel process called category understanding via label name replacement [86]. We use websites from Alexa Top Sites [6] known to belong to categories appearing in ObjCat as our corpus for generating the term lists. For each category, excluding Pornography and Hate Speech, the occurrence of the category name (as well as sub category names, if available) within a website from the corpus is masked and a pretrained BERT encoder is used to produce a contextualized vector representation h with the masked category name. BERTs masked language model (MLM) head produces a probability distribution that a term w from within BERTs vocabulary will occur at the location of the masked category name.

Terms can occur in di erent contexts within the same corpus. Thus, terms in the extracted vocabulary are ranked by their probability of occurrence (Equation 3.4), and by how many times each term can replace a category name in the corpus while maintaining context.

p(w h) =Softmax(W2 (W1h+b))  (3.4)

where () is the activation function; W1, W2, and b are learned parameters for the
masked language prediction task, pre-trained within BERT. As in [86], we select the top 100 terms per category (or the entire list if less than 100 are extracted) as the nal representative term list that captures contextually similar and synonymous terms associated with the corresponding categories.

Snippet representation.

Due to the complexities of gathering, the computing resource, and storage needs for processing the full content of Web pages (Section  3.1.2), we use snippets as a proxy for the full page content.

We represent R with a collection of 16 text-based features extracted from its snippet. Seven of these features account for the prevalence (i.e., frequency of occurrence) of objectionable terms in RS. For each category oc in ObjCat, we calculate the term prevalence, i.e., TP(RS oc), as in Equation 3.5.


where TLoc is the term list for oc, t is a term in TLoc, and tf() is a function that calculates the number of times t appears in RS. Serving as a normalization factor, RS is the length of RS after tokenization, punctuation & stop word removal, and lemmatization (using the NLTK8 Python library).

We also consider the coverage of objectionable terminology in RS, using seven features that account for scenarios where a term could be misconstrued as objectionable depending on context. For example, breast could occur frequently in a biology resource that is itself not objectionable; it can also appear in a pornographic resource. For each category oc, we calculate objectionable term coverage in RS, i.e., TCov(RS oc), using Equation 3.6.


where TLoc and t are as de ned in Equation 3.5, (tRS) is 1 if t occurs at least once in RS and 0 otherwise, and TLoc , which is the total number of terms in TLoc, acts as a normalization factor.

We explicitly account for misspelled terms, as producers of objectionable online

content are known to introduce intended misspellings as an attempt to bypass safe search lters [87]. We look at the prevalence of misspelled terms in Rs how often misspellings occur in Rs using Equation 3.7.


where t is a term in RS, (tRS) is 1 if t is a misspelling and 0 otherwise, and RS is a normalization factor representing the length of RS. We use the Enchant9 library to identify misspelled terms as it wraps many existing spellchecking libraries, such as Ispell, Aspell, and MySpell.
Lastly, we look at the coverage of misspellings using Equation 3.8.


where () is de ned as in Equation 3.7, t is a term in RSu, which is the set of unique terms in RS, TLall is the set of terms resulting from merging the term list for each category in ObjCat, and () evaluates to 1 if t is identi ed as a misspelling and it occurs in TLall, and 0 otherwise.

Objectionability detection.

Based on its e ectiveness in similar classi cation tasks [87], we use the Random Forest model to identify objectionable resources. Using the feature representation of R as input, a trained Random Forest model10 produces as output a binary probability distribution y over each class objectionable and not such that y [01] for R. To serve as the sensitivity score exploited by the risk module, we de ne Sbad as the probability value of R being associated with the objectionable class (Equation 3.9).
10Max leaf node, min leaf samples, and min sample split are set to 32. Max depth is set to 8.

Sbad(R) = Judgebad(RS)  (3.9)

3.2 REdORank: From Theory to Practice

REdORank is powered by the LTR algorithm, AdaRank [127], as it is one of the more prevalent algorithms in LTR research [48, 69, 78, 84]. AdaRank uses a listwise approach (de ned in Section 2.1), which is the most e ective in terms of ranking accuracy when used for Web search [20, 118].

3.2.1 AdaRank

AdaRank is a boosting algorithm wherein a collection of weakly-de ned rankers are linearly combined to create an overall ranker that is more accurate than any of the individual weak rankers. A weak ranker is de ned as as ht = Pt(i)E( (qi di xk), where qi Q is a set of queries, di Dq is a ranked list of documents per query, yi is the ground truth for document di,…… x1 xk are the feature representations for each document, E is an evaluation measure, and P1(i) = 1 Q is an initial weight.

Given a set of training data qi di yi , AdaRank takes an iterative approach such that at each iteration t T, a set of weak rankers are initialized with the current weights, a ranking permutation ( ()) is predicted and evaluated, and the weights are updated. The pseudocode for this process is outlined in Algorithm 1. Like all LTR algorithms, AdaRank learns a ranking function through the optimization of an evaluation measure. The metric most commonly-used for optimization is Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain (NDCG) [64, 79]. The goal of NDCG is to measure the agreement between a predicted ranked list and the ground truth


for a query q. The Gain in NDCG is the relevance gain, or the benefit of showing relevant resources higher in the ranking. The relevance gain of each resource retrieved in response to a query is determined based on its position in a ranked list, as in Equation 3.10.

gi = 2reli 1  (3.10)

where gi is the relevance gain of the ith resource in a ranked list, and reli is the corresponding relevance ground truth.

The Discount portion of NDCG is a penalization applied to resources that are relevant, yet they appear lower in a ranked list. It is necessary to ensure that this discount is not too steep, to account for persistent users that are more likely to explore deeper into ranked lists [64]. As such, NDCG employs a logarithmic discount based on a resources position in a ranked list, as seen in Equation 3.11.

di = log(ranki + 1)

where di is the discount for the ith resource in a ranked list, and ranki is the position of the ith resource in said ranking.

When considering a ranked list in response to a query q, the Cumulative aspect comes into play as the accumulation of discounted gains, beginning at the top of the ranked list until a particular position. Formally, this is known as Discounted Cumulative Gain (DCG) and is de ned as in Equation 3.12.


where k is a cuto value, i.e., the number of resources examined in a list, i is a position in the ranking, and gi and di are as de ned in Equations 3.10 and 3.11, respectively. Accounting for the need to measure agreement across an entire list where the number of relevant documents may vary, DCG must be Normalized , resulting in NDCG, calculated as in Equation 3.13.


where k, i, and DCG@k(q) are as de ned in Equation 3.12, and IDCG@k(q) is the DCG as calculated for a perfect, i.e., ideal , ranked list, up to position k. The bene t of NDCG is its ability to account for various degrees of relevance, due to the manner in which relevance gain is determined. Unlike more traditional counter parts for ranking that examine a single relevance value, REdORank considers multiple signals for relevance of a resource, namely the educational alignment and readability. Additionally, NDCG does not account for explicit signals of non-relevance, such as the objectionability of a resource. Therefore, we seek to expand NDCG to account for additional relevance and non-relevance signals.

3.2.2 Multi-Perspective Optimization with Cost Sensitivity

The goal of a search system is to retrieve resources from a collection that have the highest relevance with regards to a users query. In some cases, these collections contain resources that are not meant to be seen by all users, such as private medical documents or, in the case of a government system, top secret missives. These types of resources are known as sensitive resources. As a way to avoid presenting sensitive materials in response to online inquiries, Sayed and Oard [110] introduced an extended version of the DCG metric, called Cost Sensitive Discounted Cumulative Gain (CS DCG). This new metric (Equation 3.14), introduces a cost penalty, or a risk factor, for displaying a sensitive document within a ranking of retrieved resources.


where k, gi, and di are de ned as in Equation 3.12, and ci is the sensitivity cost of showing a sensitive document at rank position i. Incorporating CS-DCG into an LTR model such as AdaRank empowers the model to learn to rank sensitive documents lower than those that are not sensitive. This aligns with what we seek to do with the objectionability perspective of REdORank: eradicate from top ranking positions those resources that can be perceived as sensitive for the user group and environment that are the focus of our work. Thus, instead of depending upon the traditional NDCG when training its LTR re-ranker, REdORank
uses CS-DCG for optimization purposes. In this case, we use as the sensitivity cost ci Sbad (Equation 3.9).

CS-DCG accounts for objectionable resources, but still only considers a single signal for relevance gain. In the context of our work, however, it is imperative to leverage the inuence that both educational alignment and readability have into determining the relevance of a given resource. It is not su cient to simply linearly combine the respective grade level and educational alignment scores, Sedu and Sread, computed in Sections 3.1.2 and 3.1.1, respectively. Instead, it is important to understand the interdependence between these two scores in terms of dictating relevance gain. To model the connection between educational alignment and readability we take inspiration from a weighting scheme core to Information Retrieval: TF-IDF. TF (or term frequency) captures the prominence of a term within a resource, whereas IDF (or inverse document frequency) characterizes the amount of information carried by a term, as de ned in information theory [27] and is computed as a proportion of the size of a collection over the number of resources in the collection in which the term appears. In our case, this weighting scheme acts as a sort of mixer for the traits that inform relevance. Intuitively, we treat Sedu as representative of the content of R (in terms of matching the classroom setting) and readability as the discriminant factor with respect to resources considered for ranking purposes. Given the often high readability levels of online resources [10, 12], we use 13 as the readability level representative of the collection, and therefore use it as the max readability in the numerator for IDF. With this in mind, the mixer score for R informed by the two aforementioned signals of relevance is computed as in Equation 3.15.

mixer(R) = Sread(R) log2( 13 by Sedu(R) )



By incorporating multiple signals of relevance into the determination of relevance gain, and the expansion of DCG with a cost-sensitivity factor, we have defined an updated metric that serves to ensure REdO Rank explicitly learns to respond to the user group, task and environment requirements, by prioritizing resources that align with our user group and environment, while preventing the presentation high in the ranking of retrieved resources that are objectionable for our environment.



In this chapter, we describe the experiments we conducted in order to answer our research questions. We begin by assessing the the correctness of the readability formula that is part of the design of REdORank, as well as the performance of the proposed strategies for detection of educational and objectionable resources. This enable us to show that the methodologies considered to account for each of our perspectives are sound. We then assess the overall design of REdORank, via both an ablation study and comparison with baseline counterparts. Along the way, we provide in-depth analysis of the results for each experiment.

4.1 Finding a Readability Formula Fitting Web Resources

There is no readability formula that is the default when estimating the complexity of texts. Thus, it is essential that we empirically examine formulas in an e ort to identify the one best suited for determining the level of complexity of Web resources. In our examination, we look at the e cacy of readability formulas for their originally intended purpose: the estimation of reading level of published texts, i.e., books and news articles. We then investigate how the formulas perform when applied to the text snippets of Web resources. Through comparison of the results in each medium, books and Web, we select the formula best suited for our audience and context.

We begin our exploration with traditional readability formulas, as they are simple to compute and are broadly adopted [51, 82]. Traditional formulas also require less data than the machine and deep learning solutions and are freely accessible, supporting the open availability intended for REdORank. Initially, we look at (i) Coleman-Liau Index (Equation 4.1), as it was designed for digital texts, and to be easily calculated automatically [25], (ii) Flesch-Kincaid (Equation 4.2) [66], as it is a well-known formula that has been employed to estimate complexity of Web resources focusing primarily on upper-elementary to secondary grade levels [15], and (iii) Spache Readability Formula (Spache for short, Equation 4.3) [113], intended for texts targeted to readers in grades 1 3. The latter relies on a static vocabulary of 1,064 words that are considered easy for children to comprehend. Each of these three formulas were designed to estimate the reading level of published materials, e.g., books or news and magazine articles.

Coleman-Liau(R) = (0058 lR) (0296 sR) 158

where R is a given resource, lR is the number of letters in R and sR represents the number of sentences in R.

Flesch-Kincaid(R) = (039 slR) +(118 spwR) 1559

where slR represents the average sentence length of R and spwR represents the number of syllables per word in R.

Spache(R) = (0141 wR sR)+(0086 dif(R))+0839

where wR and sR are the number of words and sentences in R, respectively. The function dif(R) determines the percentage of di cult words in R, where a word is deemed di cult if it does not appear in the easy words vocabulary1. Although there are many datasets that can be used to assess the performance of readability formulas, to the best of our knowledge, none was designed for Web resources, our target audience, or labelled speci cally with grade levels. With that in mind, we created our own, denoted TextComp that is comprised of 4,860 instances of the form . We explicitly included in TextComp samples of resources from printed and digital mediums allowing us to probe the applicability of different formulas for our target audience and context. Samples in TextComp are distributed as follows:

1   235 book excerpts extracted from the appendices of the CCSS [62], each asso ciated with a range of grade levels. We opt to use the minimum grade level from these ranges as the label, as children reading below their reading level experience less difficulty with comprehension versus when reading above their reading level [7].

2-  2,084 books from Reading A-Z (RAZ) labeled with their corresponding reading level2.

3-  2,541 Web resources from the Idaho Digital Learning Alliance (IDLA), a col lection of online course materials serving K-12 students [5], each associated with a grade predetermined  by expert educators. 1https://github.com/cdimascio/py-readability metrics / blob  /master/readability/ data/spache_easy.txt 2RAZ uses a 26-letter scale assigned by experts for readability [72]. To enable fair comparison across formulas, these letter labels are mapped grade labels ranging from Kindergarten to 6th grade, using the conversion table provided by RAZ [71].

To quantify the performance of each formula F considered in our exploration, we rely on Error Rate (ER), computed as in Equation 4.4. We determine signi cance of our results using the Kruskal-Wallis H-test [67] with a p<0.05. Unless otherwise stated, all results reported in the rest of this section are significant.


where TextComp is the size of TextComp, d is an instance in TextComp, TCd is the known grade for d, and TCdF is the grade level of d estimated using F. To attain a base understanding of how each formula performs when applied to their original target resource, we compute the ER using the 2,319 books in TextComp.

As shown in Figure 4.1, the Coleman-Liau Index exhibits a lower error rate than Flesch-Kincaid and Spache at the 9th grade level and above. Interestingly, even though it is a commonly-used formula [15], Flesch-Kincaid produces the largest ER across grade level when estimating the complexity of books. Spache is the least error prone for K6th grade, thus best aligning with our audience (K-4). To validate if this performance translates to Web resources, we repeat the same experiment using the Web resources in TextComp. Much like for books, Spache is the least error prone formula for grades 14 & 68 (see Figure 4.1). In contrast to books, Flesch-Kincaid fares better for 8th and 10th grade Web resources, with Coleman-Liau performing best for the remaining grades. Outcomes from the presented analysis serve as indication of Spache being the formula best suited for the task at hand: estimating grade levels of Web resources targeting young searchers. Regardless of its e ectiveness for our audience and context, we note that Spaches vocabulary is limited and was last updated in the 1970s. As language changes

 Figure 4.1: ER distribution across di erent grades for traditional readability formulas.
Figure 4.1: ER distribution across different grades for traditional readability formulas.

over time [106], an outdated vocabulary may not capture easy terms for children in to days world, potentially leading the formula to misleadingly estimate the complexity of a text. The New Dale-Chall formula [22] increased the vocabulary considered by the original Dale-Chall formula [31] from 763 to 3,000 in the 1990s seeking to update the formula in response to a new set of passages with assigned grade levels for comparison to determine difficulty of texts, known as criterion passages , for the development of readability formulas [36]. These insights inspired us to pursue an extended version of Spaches vocabulary. Madrazo Azpiazu et al. [82] already considered enhancing Spaches original vocabulary list, by including a dictionary of 48,000 non-stop lemmatized terms the authors extracted from children-related websites (Sven) as part of the vocabulary considered by the formula. The enhanced formula was successfully used to determine if a query was child-like. However, this enhancement relied on word frequency analysis of child-related websites and assumed that terms added to the vocabulary would be understood by children, which may

not always be the case. With the intent of including vocabulary that children learn through instruction, we take advantage of the Age of Acquisition (AoA) dataset. This dataset contains acquisition ratings in the form of ages, ranging from 117 years, for 30,000 English words [68], which we use to augment the original Spache vocabulary, speci cally including terms from AoA with an average age of acquisition equal to or below 11 years as this aligns with our target audience. We further examine an augmentation of Spache that expands the original vocabulary with all of the words in AoA, as well as having the AoA words serve as the sole supporting vocabulary. We posit that there is a bene t to simultaneously considering terminology that children have been exposed to through websites as well as terminology that has been taught, therefore we explore the combining of the original Spache vocabulary with the combined terms from AoA and the dictionary from [82].

Following the same experimental procedure used for the comparison of the Flesch Kincaid, Coleman-Liau, and Spache formulas, we compare the ER of the modi ed Spache formulas. First, we examine how each performs using book resources in TextComp, the results of which can be seen in Figure 4.2. The Spache formula using the original easy words vocabulary is more error prone than when using the extended vocabularies. While the differences in ER di erences are less pronounced for the formulas using the extended vocabularies, when the vocabulary incorporates Sven, the error rate is the lowest for grades K5th. We attribute this benefit to Sven being speci cally tailored to words used by children, whereas Spaches original vocabulary is a list of general terms deemed easy to understand. There is no significant difference in ER when applied to Grade 6 resources. Looking again at Figure 4.2, we see a similar trend for Web resources, with the formula yielding the lowest error rates for resources below the 6th grade being the version of Spache using Sven + AoA Full(i.e., Spache-Allen). From this experiment, we see that expanding the original Spache vocabulary has a positive e ect on the ER.

(a) ER for Spache and Spache-Allen.
(a) ER for Spache and Spache-Allen.
(b) ER for variations of Spache using AoA and Sven.
(b) ER for variations of Spache using AoA and Sven.

Figure 4.2: Distribution of ER for Spache-inspired formulas across grades.

Which readability formula simultaneously suits resource type, context needs, and user group outlined for our task? (RQ1) Given our focus is on children in grades K4th and the signi cantly reduced ER of the Spache formula with the Sven + AoA Full vocabulary, we deem this extended version, de ned as Spache-Allen in Equation 3.1, as the most suitable to be included in the design of REdORank.

4.2 Detecting Educational Web Resources

The identi cation of online resources that align with common learning outcomes for K4 students among those considered for re-ranking is a key part of REdORank. To do so, we introduced BiGBERT (Section 3.1.2), a deep learning classi cation model. To ensure that the outcomes of BiGBERT, that directly impact the performance of REdORank, can serve as an e ective signal of relevance, we undertake a robust evaluation of BiGBERT, which we discuss below.

4.2.1 Experimental Set-up

To evaluate the performance of BiGBERT we conduct an ablation study to demonstrate that each componentURL vector, snippet vector, and domain knowledge infusement is necessary for BiGBERT to identify educationally aligned resources. Additionally, we conduct a comparison with similar classi cation models to contextualize the performance of BiGBERT.

An in-depth exploration of the literature in this area reveals that there is no dataset we can use to assess the performance of models that determine the educational alignment of Web resources. Thus, we build one, which we call EduSites,

using URLs (with text in English) from Alexa Top Sites [6] based on the well-known Open Directory Project (ODP) [23, 92]. We treat as educational the 1,273 URLs in subcategories Pre-School and School Time from Kids & Teens. We also randomly select 3,998 non educational URLs uniformly distributed among Adult, Business, Recreation, and Games. To validate that labels in EduSites align (or not) with our definition of educational, an education expert annotated a representative sample (n = 527). As in [94], we calculate the accuracy between the two annotations (Alexa vs. expert) per sample, obtaining an inter-annotator agreement of 94.7%. For performance assessment, we use Accuracy, a common classi cation metric, along with False Positive (FPR) and False Negative (FNR) ratios, to o er insights on the type of misclassi ed resources.

A false-positive is a resource marked as educational, that is not. A false-negative is the opposite, an educational resource marked as non-educational. Signi cance of results is determined with McNemars test, p<0.05. To the best of our knowledge, there are no domain-speci c classi ers that we can use to contextualize BiGBERT s performance. Thus, we optimize and adapt several classifiers to detect K4 Web resources:

1. BoW [49], a bag-of-words model that computes cosine similarity between a vectorized resource URL and ODP category descriptions to determine the re sources respective category (note that we use the text of learning outcomes from educational standards in lieu of category descriptions).
2. BGCNN[105], a model based on a BiGRU with a CNN which identifies child friendly URLs.

3.BERT4TC[130],a text classifier that uses a BER Ten coder toper form topic and sentiment classification,.
4.Hybrid-NB[1], a hybrid model which examines both URL and content of websites to determine their target audience (i.e.,Algerian users). Reported results for BGCNN and BERT4T Care the average of5-fold cross validation. Besides the a fore mentioned classifiers,we explore variations of BiGBERT,where U,S,and E indicate when BiGBERT examines only URLs,snippets,and infuses educationalin formation,respectively.Via an ablation study,we show case the contributions of the URL and snippet vectorizers to wards BiGBERTs overall architecture.

4.2.2 Results and Discussion

We offer below an analysis  of the results of the experiments conducted to assess the
design of BiGBERT. We summarize these results in Table 4.1.
Table4.1: Performance analysis of BiGBERT(ablation study along with experiments
related to comparisons with counterparts). The suxes-U and-Sindicate model applied to URL and snippet only, resp.;-Eindicates model augmented with educational data. *and significant w.r.t. BiGBERT and non-educational counterpart, resp. Significance determined with McNemars test,p<0.05.

Reports in [105] showcase the e ectiveness of only examining URLs to identify sites as child-friendly. This motivates us to study the applicability of the approach for detecting educational Web resources targeting K4 populations. The accuracy of BoW does not surpass the 75% mark attained via a naive baseline (one always predicting non-educational due to the unbalanced nature of our dataset). BGCNN, BiGBERT-U, and BiGBERT-U-E outperform more traditional models with accuracy rates in the low 80 percentile. We attribute the increase in performance to the fact that state-of-the-art models do not assume URL token independence, unlike BoW.  Results from our analysis indicate that when semantic and context-rich information is available, URLs are a valuable source to inform classi cation. The number of misclassi ed educational resources in this case, however, is high. In fact, nearly half of educational samples, which comprise 25% of our data, are labelled non-educational (see respective FNR). This leads us to investigate additional information sources that can contribute to the classi cation process.

As content analysis is a staple of classi cation, it is logical to consider knowl edge inferred from snippets to better support the classi cation of K4 educational Web resources. This is demonstrated by signi cant performance improvements of Hybrid-NB, BiGBERT-U-S, and BiGBERT over counterparts solely looking at URLs (BoW and BGCNN). BiGBERT signi cantly outperforms hybrid models in accuracy and FPR. Fewer false positives means lower likelihood for potentially inappropriate sites being labelled educational, which is of special importance given the domain and audience of our work. The results suggest that snippets, combined with URLs, do help identify educational resources. However, the higher FNR of BiGBERT-U-S compared to Hybrid-NB, again points to the misclassi cation of educational resources. This can be seen on samples like www.sesamestreet.org, recognized as educational by Hybrid-NB but overlooked by BiGBERT-U-S.

This would suggest that the lack of explicit domain knowledge is a detriment to BiGBERT-U-S. The accuracy of BiGBERT increases when using Edu2Vec and ne-tuned BERT embeddings (rows 9 vs 10 in Table 4.1). To determine whether the improvement is the result of explicitly infusing educational knowledge into the classi cation process, we compare BiGBERT-U and BiGBERT-S with educationally-augmented counterparts. Our experiments reveal a signi cant decrease in FPR and FNR between BiGBERT-U and BiGBERT-U-E; non signi cant between BiGBERT-S and BiGBERT-S-E. Unlike for URL variations, BiGBERT-S-Es performance improved only in FNR after augmentation. We attribute this to the relatively small training set used for ne-tuning in comparison to the initial pre-training set for BERT, leading to less new contextual information learned by the standard transformer model. Nonetheless, the significant increases in accuracy and decreases in FPR and FNR for BiGBERT when compared to BiGBERT-U-S suggest that domain-speci c knowledge can have a positive effect on the classification of educational resources. This is illustrated by the URL www.xpmath.com, a site to support math education in grades 2nd 9th, that is labelled non-educational by BiGBERT-U-S, yet it is correctly recognized as educational by BiGBERT.

Dosnippets along with URLs help identify educational resources? Does domain-speci c knowledge a ect identi cation of educational resources (RQ2) From the results presented thus far, it emerges that indeed both URLs and snippets are required to adequately portray the educational alignment of resources. Moreover, by explicitly infusing domain-knowledge into the design of BiGBERT, the range of educational resources identi ed expands as compared to simply using traditional BERT. Overall, in light of the success BiGBERT has at identifying K4 educational resources while minimizing false negatives and false positives, we deem BiGBERT as suitable to be included in the design of REdORank. By optimizing on the output of BiGBERT as a relevance signal, REdORank is able to address our environment and audience.

4.3 Identifying Objectionable Resources

REdORank is designed to demote Web resources that are objectionable for children in the classroom context. Given that REdORank relies on Judgebad (introduced in Section 3.1.3) to identify these types of resources, it is imperative to verify its reliability to avoid error propagation. Thus, we undertake an in-depth analysis of performance, which we discuss below.

4.3.1 Experimental Set-up

To the best of our knowledge, there does not exist a labelled dataset with coverage for all categories within ObjCat, therefore we construct one: ObjSet. This dataset, extracted from the Alexa Top Sites directory, is comprised of 10,006 samples of the form <snippet, URL, label>, where label is 1 for objectionable samples, and 0 otherwise. We treat as objectionable 2,096 resources for which their corresponding Alexa category name contains as a substring one of the ObjCat category and sub category names. The remaining 7,910 additional resources from Alexa serve as non objectionable counterparts. By selecting non-objectionable resources in a roughly 4:1 ratio to objectionable, we simulate a real world setting where objectionable resources will make up a smaller portion of SERP.

To measure performance, we use Accuracy, FPR, and FNR. In this case, a false-positive is a resource marked as objectionable but is not. A false-negative is the opposite, an objectionable resource marked as non-objectionable. Further, we compare and contrast Judgebad with that of a number of counterpart models, each adopting a di erent strategy for identifying objectionable resources. Through this comparison we gain insights and contextualize how Judgebad performs with respect to existing solutions.

1. MNB.Abag-of-words Multinomial Naive-Bayes model that computes the TF IDF for the resource descriptions provided by ODP to determine the resources respective class.

2. BERT4TC [130]. A text classi er that uses the state-of-the-art BERT en coder coupled with a multi-layer perceptron to perform topic and sentiment classification.

3. AWESSOME [1]. A framework that combines the VADER sentiment lexicon [61] with BERT to predict the sentiment intensity of sentences.

4. KS Appropriateness [87]. Focused on the same user group and environment, this model leverages a curated lexicon to analyze term frequency and term proportion within the content of a Web resource determine appropriateness.

To ensure a fair comparison among models, ObjSet is divided into a training and test set using an 80/20 split and all snippets are pre-processed in the same manner: tokenized, punctuation removed, and lemmatized. Signi cance of results is determined with McNemars test, p<0.05.

4.3.2 Results and Discussion

As shown in Table 4.2, Judgebad achieves an accuracy score of 84.9%a rate that exceeds the expected performance of a majority classi er (79%) given the data distribution in ObjSet. Probing deeper on Judgebad s performance, we observe that, interestingly, Judgebad has a higher FPR than FNR. We attribute the false negatives, i.e., those that are marked as non-objectionable when they are objectionable, to the shorter length of some ObjCat lexicons, as such a lexicon provides less possibility of clear representation for a given category. This is visible upon manual inspection by resources related to alcohol and tobacco, a sub-category of Drugs, being mislabelled as non-objectionable. The Drugs lexicon has a total of 100 terms, of which only 21 relate to alcohol and tobacco. A manual inspection of missed objectionable resources reveals that in some situations Judgebad correctly identi es resources as objectionable that have a label of non-objectionable, but are not appropriate for children in a classroom. For example, consider www.kids-in-mind.com, an online platform providing reviews of the content of lms (gore, adult language, nudity, etc.) so parents can make decisions about what lms to show their children, or www.casinocity.com, a directory site of casino and gambling related reviews and games. Both samples are labeled as non-objectionable as per Alexas descriptions, yet, neither is a site suitable for children in a classroom setting. From cases like this, we argue that Judgebad is accomplishing its intended goal.

To contextualize Judgebad s performance, we compare it to that of several related models. MNB exhibited very similar performance to Judgebad, in terms of FPR and FNR. Interestingly, there a significant di erence in the accuracy of the two models. Delving into which resources were misclassified, there are some differences

Table 4.2: Evaluation of objectionable classi cation models using ObjSet. * indicates signi cance w.r.t. Judgebad determined by McNemars test with Bonferroni Correction, p<0.05.

to be found. Manually inspecting the misclassi cations, we found that MNB tends to misidentify websites known to contain sexual content. We connect these misses to the lack of vocabulary depth present in a bag-of-words model. Surprisingly, BERT4TC, AWESSOME, and KSAppropriateness act as a minority classi er, always assigning objectionable labels to resources. With the 4:1 distribution of ObjSet, the expectation was for BERT4TC to learn to classify non-objectionable materials. We ascribe the unexpected result to over tting, in the sense that the model learned representations of the terms in objectionable resources as clear identifiers regardless of their presence or context in non-objectionable counterparts. With BERT serving as an internal component for AWESSOME, we similarly attribute this over tting behavior to AWESSOME. We ascribe the performance of KSAppropriateness to the combination of reduced features considered (only looking at sexually explicit and hate speech terms) and the uneven distribution of the data.

Can topic-speci c lexicons empower the identi cation of objectionable Web resources? (RQ3) The use of extended lexicons on topics inappropriate for a classroom, beyond pornography and hate speech, provide additional lenses for Judgebad to discern what is and is not objectionable. Overall, given the demonstrated performance of Judgebad, we deem it suitable to include in the design of REdORank.

4.4 Re-ranking Web Resources with REdORank

Thus far, we have shown the applicability of solutions for identifying the educational alignment, readability, and objectionability of resources. Using these perspectives together, REdORank seeks to re-rank resources to support children searching in a classroom environment by balancing the evidence of resources being inappropriate, and therefore a risk, with the evidence that resources are educational and readable, and therefore rewarding or bene cial. To validate that the design of REdORank answers our research question and thus meets this goal, we undertake a comprehensive evaluation which we discuss in the remainder of this section.

4.4.1 Experimental Set-up

There exist datasets for the evaluation of ranking models based on LTR, such as the MQ 2007 and MQ2008 sets [102] or the OHSUMED set [58]. Unfortunately, there is no LTR dataset comprised of queries, resources, and ideal labels pertaining to our user group and environment. In addition, none of the existing datasets include known objectionable resources, which are a must in order to explicitly assess the validity of REdORank s design. In light of these two facts, we construct our own dataset RankSet.

The construction of datasets for information retrieval tasks often follows the Cran eld paradigm [124]. For ranking tasks, this process involves beginning with known ideal resources. The title of each resource is used as a query to trigger the retrieval of other resources in order to produce a ranked list. The ideal resource is always positioned at the top of the ranking, as it is treated as the ground truth.

The remaining top-N ranked resources (excluding the one originating the search, if available) are used to complete the ranked list. The Cran eld paradigm enables the construction of RankSet to ensure an ideal resource is in the top position for every query. However, REdORank also aims to push objectionable resources lower in the rankings. To enable evaluation of this aspect of REdORank, we append at the bottom of the list a known bad resource.

To act as the ideal resources for RankSet, we use a collection of 9,540 articles with known reading levels and educational value targeted for children on a variety of topics from NewsELA [91]. For bad resources, we turn to ObjSet (Section 4.3.1). Following the Cran eld paradigm, we use the ideal article titles as queries and using Googles API we retrieve up to 20 resources, their titles, search snippets, and rank positions (we drop queries that lead to no resources or resources with missing content). We assign relevance labels of 2 to the ideal resources, 0 to the known bad resources, and 1 to all other resources retrieved from Google. This results in RankSet containing a total of 2,617 queries and 46,881 resources.

To demonstrate the correctness of REdORank s design and its applicability, we undertake an ablation study. REdORank utilizes AdaRank as the underlying LTR algorithm with the expanded CS-DCG metric for optimization. To validate and examine how (i) the expansion of the optimization metric from the more traditional NDCG, and (ii) the incorporation of objectionability as a sensitivity cost, a ect its overall performance, we compare REdORank to AdaRank optimized with the standard NDCGmetric. Each model is con gured with variations that utilize each perspective as standalone features. To further contextualize the performance of REdORank, we perform a comparison with a two other models: (i) LambdaMART, a popular list wise LTR model that utilizes Multiple Additive Regression Trees [46], with the overall ranking function being the linear combination of regression trees, and (ii) Korsce [87], a model designed to rank resources that align with 3rd to 5th grade educational curriculum, are comprehensible for children in that same grade range, are objective in content (i.e., not based in opinion), and are appropriate for the classroom, described in detail in Section 2.2.

We treat LambdaMART as a baseline, whereas Korsce (matching our user group, environment, and context) is a state-of-the-art counterpart. To measure performance, we use NDCG@10 and Mean Reciprocal Rank (MRR). MRR seeks to spotlight the average ranking position of the rst relevant item. In our case, we nd it particularly important to position objectionable resources very low among retrieved results. Therefore, we also compute an alternative version of MRR, in which rather than accounting for the rst relevant (ideal) item, we account for the position of the rst objectionable item. We call this MRRBad, where a lower value indicates better performance. Significance of results is veri ed using a two-tailed student t-test with p<0.05; all results reported and discussed in the rest of this section are significant unless stated otherwise.

4.4.2 Results and Discussion

We begin our evaluation of adapting LTR to children searching in the classroom by looking at how a known listwise LTR algorithm, AdaRank, optimized for a standard ranking metric (NDCG), performs when trained to rank according to our chosen perspectives, educational alignment, readability, and objectionability. We train variations of AdaRank with each perspective, educational alignment, readability, and objectionability each acting as a single feature. We refer to these variations with the suffixes-E,-R, and-O, respectively. We train the same set of variations for REdORank with the addition of ones that use the mixer (described in Section 3.2.2) to combine the educational alignment and readability perspectives into a single feature. We refer to these with the su xes-M, where the mixed values are the only feature, and-MER where the mixed values are used alongside the individual perspectives. Results of the experiments are presented in Tables 4.3 and 4.4.

We rst look at each individual perspective as a feature for AdaRank. As an ticipated, AdaRank-O performed the worst, as seen by the lower NDCG and MRR scores as well as the higher MRRBad. We attribute this to the fact that AdaRank-O is optimizing for the risk perspective, and thus learning to potentially prioritize the known bad resource above the known ideal. When optimizing on the reward perspectives, AdaRank-E and AdaRank-R perform better than AdaRank-O. These models place objectionable resources around the 10th position according to MRRBad, while ranking the ideal ones around the 5th position, according to MRR (Rows 13 in Table 4.3). This is indicative of these models learning to focus on the types of resources well-suited for our user group and environment. When putting all of the features together, AdaRank outperforms each of the individual variations, indicating the value of each perspective in determining relevance.

So far, we have showcased that the design choices for considering risk and reward perspectives in a re-ranking task are well-founded. However, we surmise that the AdaRank models are learning to rank objectionable resources lower as a bene cial side-effect of optimizing on the educational alignment and readability. To account for objectionable as an explicit signal of cost, and to balance that risk with the reward of the other perspectives, we turn to REdORank, optimized for nCS-DCG.

For REdORank-E, REdORank-R, and REdORank-O, we see similar performances to those of their AdaRank counterparts (Rows 57 and 24 in Table 4.3, respectively).

Table4.3: Performance of REdO Rank and ablation variation susing Rank Set. The su xes-R,-E,-Oindicate Readability only,Educational only, and Objectionable only, respectively. Mindicates the use of the mixer for educational alignment and readability, and-MER indicates the use of the mixer with-E and-R. * indicates significance w.r.t. REdORank and bold indicates best performing for each metric.

This further highlights that the perspectives matter. We posit that the inter connection of educational alignment and read ability will serveas a beneficial composite signal for the relevance of are sources. For this reason,we utilize the mixer described inSection3.2.2 to combine the twoperspectives. Surprisingly, REdORank-Mper forms worse in all metrics when compared to REdORank-R, and performs the same asREdORank-E.To fully investigate whether this combined perspective could provide value tothe re-ranking,we created REdORank-MER. Lending credence to the idea of in corporating a combined perspective, REdORank-MER out performed each of the individual perspective variations. While this variation performed significantly better than REdOR ankin terms of MRRBad, itperformed worse for the other two metrics. This highlights that the explicit consideration of a sensitivity cost factor, alongside multiple perspectives of relevance,has beneficial affects on re-ranking resources for children searching in the classroom.

Table 4.4: Performance of REdORank and baselines using RankSet. * indicates significance w.r.t.REdORank and bold indicates best performing for each metric.

The results so far have shown that the design for REdORank is well-founded. To attain a better understanding of how REdORank performs, we also compare it to both a state-of-the-art counterpart, Korsce, and a baseline LTR algorithm, in LambdaMART. The results of these two models ranking the resources in RankSet can be seen in Table 4.4. We see that REdORank performs signi cantly better than Korsce for all metrics. This is visually represented in Figure 4.3. We attribute the difference in performance to the fact that Korsce ranks in a pointwise, weighted objective manner. That is, for each resource, each perspective score is multiplied by an empirically determined weight, and then added together to create the ranking score. In contrast, REdORank learns a single dynamic weight that accounts for each perspective simultaneously as opposed to individually. LambdaMART learns to rank by optimizing on pairwise comparisons of documents. Surprisingly, LambdaMART performs significantly better than REdORank for the RankSet. While this was unexpected, as listwise LTR algorithms have been shown to be more e ective when applied to Web search [20, 118], we attribute the discrepancy in performance to the structure of the dataset. RankSet only contains a single ideal resource, which a pairwise algorithm is more likely to locate by nature of directly comparing documents. On the other hand, REdORank is more likely to miss the ideal resource as it does not explicitly compare each resource to every other one, but rather considers their relevance in a relative manner within the list. In real-world scenarios, where more than one ideal resource is likely to be in a single list, a list wise approach is better suited to the re-ranking task.

 Figure 4.3: NDCG@10 for di erent re-ranking models using RankSet.
Figure 4.3: NDCG@10 for di erent re-ranking models using RankSet.

Does the adaptation of an LTR model to account for multiple perspectives lead to the prioritization of resources that are relevant to both children and the classroom setting? (RQ4) Given its visibly higher lower bound on NDCG@10 over its counterparts (as seen in Figure 4.3), its successful performance regarding ranking known educational and readable resources high in the rankings, and its expected generalizability to real-world re-ranking scenarios, we consider the design of REdORank to be an appropriate model for providing re-ranking to search systems supporting childrens search activity in the classroom.



The work presented in this thesis advances Information Retrieval for Childrencentered on the design, development, and assessment of strategies that enable childrens online information discovery. This research area is of particular importance due to the u biquitousness  of search engines (SE), and the fact that children are considered non-traditional users, as the vast majority of the academic and commercial e orts in this area target adults. Given the broad range of childrens search skills when it comes to searching [50], and the wide range of inquiries children turn to SE for, particularly with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we explicitly scoped our work to focus on children ages 611 using Web search tools in the classroom context.

To better support this user group, we presented a novel re-ranking strategy, REdORank,
that serves as training wheels for facilitating childrens identi cation of resources that
are relevant to their information needs. Responding to ndings reported in the literature regarding the manner in which children search, e.g., their propensity to xate on top-ranked results [50, 53], as well as the manner in which SE respond to childrens queries [13, 12], e.g., o ering resources children cannot comprehend, REdORank examines resources retrieved by commercial SEpreferred by childrenand prioritizes them in a manner that those best suited for the context and user group at hand are ranked higher. To do so, REdORank appraises resources based on three perspectives: educational alignment, readability, and objectionability. By combining of all of these perspectives, REdORank ensures that SE can better respond to childrens search behavior by balancing the risk and reward value of resource content. With educational alignment, the goal is to prioritize resources that support learning. Even if resources are educational, for their content to be of value, it must be readable and therefore comprehensible. To that end, REdORank looks at the readability of resources. Unfortunately, not all resources online are meant for, or even appropriate for, children to engage with in a classroom context. As such, REdORank incorporates the objectionability perspective so it can position such resources lower in the ranking where they are less likely to be seen and engaged with by children.

An in-depth analysis of REdORank revealed that a multi-perspective LTR model is an e ective solution to re-rank resources for children in the classroom. Through the experiments conducted, we can conclude that the deliberate inclusion of perspectives connected to a particular user group and environment can bene t the performance of a model in the re-ranking of resources retrieved from a mainstream SE. In fact, explicitly considering signals of negative perspectives, and balancing them with positive signals of relevance provides significant improvements in performance.

Integral to REdORank s ability to re-rank resources, we discovered that URLs and snippets provided an e ective proxy for the classi cation of an online resource as educational, or not. Based on the ablation study conducted with REdORank, we also found that snippets are useful in the identi cation of resources as objectionable.  Finally, from the readability standpoint, we noticed that considering a vocabulary more carefully tailored to contemporary language and adjusted to childrens age of acquisition of terms can improve estimation of readability for online resources targeted towards children.

As a result of an extensive empirical exploration to determine the validity of each of the perspectives informing REdORank s design, the following additional contributions emerged: BiGBERT, a classi cation model to identify educationally aligned Web re sources through an ensemble deep learning approach; and Judgebad, a lexicon-based classification model for identifying online resources objectionable for children in a classroom context. In addition to these classi cation models, we introduce a new readability formula that is e ective at estimating the readability of online resources.

Through the course of our work, a number of limitations and pathways for further research came to light. Spache-Allen is designed and evaluated only on its applicability to estimate the readability of English language resources. However, the Web is world-wide and covers many di erent domains of information. Therefore, performing a similar empirical exploration involving di erent domains, e.g., legal or medical, as well as multilingual readability formulas may provide further valuable insights for the many areas of research interested in text understanding, particularly Natural Language Processing (NLP). REdORank leverages readability as an internal feature, based on Spache-Allen, which only looks at text resources to estimate their readability.

In the future, we plan to expand this perspective to consider other methods of readability estimation that account for the presence of additional media elements, e.g., images and charts on web pages. Another limitation is the lack of consideration of a users prior knowledge on a subject. Future work investigating the connection between pre-existing topical knowledge and readability estimation can bridge this gap and further align supporting tools such as REdORank with their target user groups.

When exploring objectionable resources, we followed existing state-of-the-art approaches and treated all categories in ObjCat as unquestionably objectionable. How ever, children do not necessarily require a one-size- ts all solution. For instance, content that is objectionable for a 4th grader may not be so for a 12th grader. We recognize this as a limitation of Judgebad, and suggest increasing granularity of identifying what is and is not objectionable for children of various ages.

Additional limitations involve RankSet, the dataset used for assessing the pro posed re-ranking model, which is constructed based on the Cran eld paradigm. As such, the dataset is limited to only a single ideal resource in response to each query. Unfortunately, having only a single ideal resource is not indicative of real world SERP, thus leading us to pursue further studies on the performance of REdORank in a realistic environment. With that, immediate next steps include a user study involving the examination of childrens search be havior when using a search system with and without REdORank.

Outcomes from this thesis have implications for researchers investigating childrens Web search. REdORank is a step towards adapting mainstream SE to classroom use, yet still it focuses only on speci c perspectives to inform relevance gain. It is worth researching the bene ts of combining additional relevance signals, from sources beyond the text of a resource, such as where the resource comes from, or who wrote it. Such factors contribute to the credibility of a resource. Unfortunately, children are known to not judge the credibility of online resources [55], making credibility a valuable extra perspective to bring into the fold for re-rankers. This can be achieved quickly and e ectively using the mixer strategy employed by REdORank (Section 3.2.2) which enables the simultaneous aggregation of multiple scores into a single one. While this mixer is currently used for reward perspectives, it can be replicated for risk perspectives as well. For example, children struggle to identify if something is misinformation or not [99]. As a result, they may consider a misinformation resource as credible. By extending the cost to include perspectives beyond objectionability, such as misinformation, REdORank can prioritize resources that are grounded in fact. Ongoing research in Human-Computer Interaction has explored how visual elements of a SERP a ect childrens interactions with results [3, 4]. REdORank can provide further avenues of exploration regarding how to identify the type of resources and visual elements that can serve as visual clues. For example, a small book icon with a number inside can be added alongside the display of a result on a traditional SERP to indicate the reading level of a resource. Similarly, an icon representing a small schoolhouse could be added to indicate that a resource is of educational value.

Through the addition of visual elements rooted in the traits considered during the ranking process, transparency of search systems can increase. Users can be o ered a glimpse behind the curtain into how a particular system works. This can impact the ease of use and under stand ability of a system. Additionally, such visual elements canbenet users learning to search by providing, over time, a visible connection between ranked resources and the query that searchers can use to improve query formulation. REdORank is a tangible step towards designing an adaptive search tool for children.

Perhaps most impactful, is the possibility of using REdORank to support the searching to learn portion of the search as learning paradigm. Searching to learn is the act of seeking information to gain new knowledge within an educational setting [13, 108], which aligns very well with the purpose of REdORank given the e ectiveness for identifying, and propensity to rank higher, Web resources of educational value.


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.AoA Collection of vocabulary terms labelled with the ages at which children acquire understanding of them [68]. Used in design of Spache-Allen (Section 3.1.1).

.EduSites Collection of online resources extracted from Alexas Top Sites by Category directory that are educational for children (Section 4.2). ObjSet Collection of online resources extracted from Alexas Top Sites by Category directory that are objectionable for children, i.e., resources that fall within the categories described in Section 4.3.

.RankSet Collection of ranked search results in response to queries sourced from NewsELA article titles (Section 4.4).

.Sven + AoA Full Combination of the terms in AoA and Sven. Used in design of Spache Allen (Section 3.1.1).

.Sven Dictionary of terms extracted from children-related websites for the
work done in [82]. Used in design of Spache-Allen (Section 3.1.1).

.TextComp Collection of book and web resources labelled with a reading level in the form of a grade at which a child is able to read the corresponding resource (Section 4.1).















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